My quilt guild, Cabin Fever Quilters Guild Of South Stevens County, is having a quilters challenge this spring to be ready for a May quilt show here in Washington.
Paint chips from local stores (free samples) were put in a bag and we all had to draw 2. We need to chose 1 color from each paint chip and use those colors in fabric. It is 100% up to us what we make; it just must be finished by the time of the quilt show the guild wants to display this challenge in.
I got these lovely sea colors. As soon as we saw them everyone said 'it's so you!' but I must admit, I was stumped. I like both colors, but I prefer contrasting colors, not complimentary. So this is pushing me outside my comfort zone, color wise.
The paint chips I drew |
This of course necessitated a trip to the fabric stash! Here are the fabrics I picked out. While we only needed to use 1 each from the paint chips, I wound up with several. I also just HAD to toss in the contrasting yellow/orange! I also pulled the black fabric and the grey chevrons for possible background and borders. I don't want to add very much white - I want the colors to almost glow when completed.
Fabric choices - had to put in some contrast! |
I decided early on I wanted to do something with hexies. The design possibility with that shape is almost infinite. I also know I do NOT want to make a full size quilt right now, so am staying small, my favorite thing anyway. So, I cut a few strips of 1" in the blues and greens and chopped away. I tossed them and the paper 3/4" hexies I prepared into a fabric scrap basket I can easily carry from my desk to the couch. Preparing and sewing hexies is awesome handwork that can be done anywhere!
Easy to cart around the house for working on this while watching tv |
I set it all aside for a bit working on the king commissioned quilt, and the
FMQ project on Leah Day's blog, and of course this little 368 block project here! Even when not working a project however it is generally busily percolating (as I call it) in my head. I have an idea for turning this into a cross body handbag I designed.
But then I am also wondering about something that is pure art. I am even thinking about sewing it on canvas for a rigid frame and ready to hang. I found a blog with an interesting way of doing that
So here i am, thinking and playing with hexies. I like the purse idea, but that seems almost boring. So then I am thinking about the interesting patterns bee hives make.
Like here
And then some things people have done with hex/bee hive patterns in other mediums, like here.
So, playing with random placement, still thinking on the sewing to canvas idea, and generally trying to make a few choices. However, there is time still. Today is full of movies, and some hand sewing in front of a fire while I watch the snow.
My 1 inch squares ready to prepare for sewing |
3/4" hexies |
Hmmm, a random bee hive pattern? |
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