Instagram Swap - Music Lyric Craft Swap

This can be ANY craft. The biggest thing is it does need to be thought out; to the very best of your ability, something that will stand the test of time (though you do not have to bulldog chew test it, we are reasonable people).
So will you do a mini quilt? An embroidered hoop? A paper art piece? A little of everything mixed media?
Rules and guidelines are as follows;
-The hashtag will be #musiclyriccraftswap - please include it on all IG posts relevant to the swap. Also, please tag me for all checkin posts, mosaics, and progress posts.
-We will be using the blacklist from IG swappers.
-This is a blind swap - your partner will not know you have them. Don't give it away!
-Your instagram account for the duration of the swap needs to be active (you post weekly) and public.
-Your partner's favorite lyric may not be in English! There are many gorgeous songs out there in all languages, don't be afraid to include one or get one.
-This is a long swap - 4 months. To keep it in your mind please be prepared to post or respond for once a month checkins.
-A mosaic will be the first checkin and is required by 11/26/2015, USA Thanksgiving. If you do not have a mosaic, you will not be able to continue with the swap.
-Subsequent checkins will be within 3 days of the following dates;
- December 10, 2015
- January 10, 2016
- February 10, 2016 (progress picture on your IG required)
- March 10, 2016 (progress picture on your IG required)

-The requirements include 1 medium craft and 1 small craft, plus something fun like candy or another item. You also must include a note - just something small with your name and a sentence or two. A regional postcard works well for this.
-Your medium craft must incorporate actual words in text of the lyrics chosen. A lyric can be one word (imagine is forever associated with John Lennon for me) and as many as a whole song.
-Shipping dates are as follows;
- March 25, 2016 for all international shipping, including USA to and from Canada swaps
- April 10, 2016 for all domestic shipping.
-When you ship - when available tracking is required and should be sent to your swap host/swap mama. When tracking is not possible - a picture of the shipment confirmation is still required.
-When you get your swap - as we all know, say thank you. Show off the hard work your partner did with picture/s, and your thoughts on the fabulous. part of the joy of the making is knowing your recipient enjoyed the effort. Say thank you.
-If you have not swapped before please reach out to me before you make this commitment. You can use my blog for contact, or message me in instagram @vagabondindigo. This does not mean you can't swap, only that I would like to review your info personally. If you do not contact me I reserve the right to remove you from the swap.
-signup will open on Monday 11/16 and close Saturday 11/21. The signup form will be linked on my IG profile @vagabondindigo.
-Please post in your IG when your have submitted the entry form and include the hashtag and my IG @vagabondindigo
-Prepare to have fun and discover or rediscover some music and lyrics!
Signups live until we get 50 participants OR Saturday morning PST.
Edit - Signups closed due to reaching 50 participants. Emails will be sent out with partners after I review the list for anyone on the IG swap blacklist for past shenanegans, and then assign partners. Looking at partners email by Sunday 11/22.
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