May ROYGBIV - Monkey May
My #focusthrutheprism challenge for May was, well, late. I finished it in June. I was totally okay with that as I did so much in May and might have overdone the quilting of the May piece. Super dense matchbook quilting = a lot of time!
I elected to do monkey wrenches in a variety of sizes. Designing the blocks to fit the 20" requirement was rather fun. I then decided to make the middles variations on courthouse steps to keep the crazy quilt look going.
I am using the Cherrywood fabrics with a FQ set of grey prints. Adding in grey scraps from the various other projects I have going plus prints in the color of the month. For the red I did not want a lot of value variation - I kept in in the same basic medium dark to dark value with one exception in the red on white print. I kept the greys in light to medium values with one dark grey.
Once I had the blocks done and then together I decided to do a dense matchbook style quilting everywhere except the wrench's of each block to allow them to 'pop' and be more cohesive in a dark grey thread. IT TOOK FOREVER! Or many many more hours than I was prepared for.
However, I do love this piece. Its a little crazy, and a lot red. By keeping the red value in a darker tone it keeps it a rich vibrant red while the grey tones it down a bit. The texture created by the blocks and the quilting was hard to photograph, but I see it in person and I just love it.
This is also part of my Q2 finish along with On the Windy Side 2015.
Sadly once again I can't see any of these photos on my computer. You've gone to the trouble of writing about them, but sadly I can't see them. Can you take another look at this post? I'm visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad.